Home / Shop / Goldwing GL 1800 2012 - 2017 / OEM Honda parts / # 94301-12200 Pin dowel cylinderhead GL1000/1100/1200/1500/1800 ( 2011-2017) # 94301-12200 Pin dowel cylinderhead GL1000/1100/1200/1500/1800 ( 2011-2017)€3,50 GL1000/1100/1200/1500/ 1800 ( tot 2017) # 94301-12200 Pin dowel cylinderhead GL1000/1100/1200/1500/1800 ( 2011-2017) quantity Add to basket SKU: 6146 Categories: maintenance and repair, maintenance and repair, maintenance and repair, maintenance and repair, maintenance and repair, maintenance and repair, OEM Honda parts, OEM Honda parts, OEM Honda parts, OEM Honda parts, OEM Honda parts, OEM Honda parts